WTC Events Center

Your world happens here

Our philosophy "Your world happens here" translates our mission to ensure excellence in every event we carry out. And this standard of quality is maintained thanks to a structured, trained, and dedicated team committed to understanding the unique DNA and concept of each client and event. The WTC Events Center team makes us one of the best convention centers in Latin America.

With a wide variety of rooms and formats, we are recognized for hosting national and international congresses, shows, sports tournaments, business meetings, and much more! With 70 spaces, we are recognized as a versatile and well-prepared venue.

This unique characteristic consolidates us as one of the main destinations for events, in addition to validation from prestigious awards, such as Fortune, Quatro Rodas Magazine, and the Caio Award.

Together with the Sheraton São Paulo WTC Hotel, we are part of the WTC São Paulo complex - the most comprehensive event facility in Latin America. We offer a unique structure, with a Convention Center, Hotel, Shopping Mall, and Business Tower, all 100% interconnected, with easy access to a range of services and amenities.

The WTC Events Center is located in the Berrini area, just 6 km from Congonhas Airport and 36 km from Guarulhos, with easy access to the main roads of São Paulo.

Would you like to get to know us? Then click the link below and schedule your visit. We look forward to seeing you!


There are 14,000 m² divided into 70 modular and flexible spaces, which can accommodate from 2 to 2,500 people in events ranging from small business meetings to large sports events, musicals, or international fairs.

In our portfolio, there are prestigious spaces such as the WTC Ballroom, with 1,200 m² that can be divided into four rooms of 219 m² each, surrounded by a spacious foyer capable of hosting coffee breaks and exhibition stands.

Our Theater, which has more than 525 seats with fixed armchairs and a LED panel, is the perfect space for theatrical performances, musicals, and other events that require a large stage. The structure includes a technical house on the upper floor, a spacious foyer, dressing rooms, and air conditioning.

The Golden Hall is a multifunctional space with more than 3,000 m² of open arena and a 15 m ceiling height, also allowing numerous setup possibilities and accommodating up to 2,500 people, with a spacious foyer and adjacent structure for STAFF, dressing rooms, or storage.

The complete structure of the WTC Events Center captures the attention of organizers from all over the world. We are prepared to host your next congress, convention, show, end-of-year party, and much more. Contact us and schedule your visit. We look forward to seeing you!

90% das lâmpadas utilizadas no complexo são de LED, gerando uma economia de energia de até 72% além de não emitir poluentes no meio ambiente e poder ser recicladas.

Em todo o complexo é utilizado água de poço, garantindo a ótima qualidade, que não falte água durante o seu evento e não agredindo o meio ambiente.

Atualmente 14% do lixo gerado é reciclado, há um projeto que visa aumentar esse número para 80% em um ano.

Com o programa Make a Green Choice, o hóspede pode optar por não ter seu quarto limpo e ganhar pontos no programa de fidelidade, levando a economia de água, eletricidade e produtos químicos.

Em média há a reutilização de 50 milhões de litros de água por ano. Toda a água é coletada e enviada a um sistema de tratamento onde 80% é reutilizada para lavagem de áreas externas, irrigação de plantas e cascata de vidro, resfriando o ambiente.


Check out the testimonial below from those who relied on the WTC Events Center structure to hold their event.

Ithamar Prada

Director of Marketing and Innovation
Compass Minerals

"(...) The challenges of 2020 brought us great opportunities to change the dynamics of how we relate. Especially for events, the shift from in-person to digital experienced an exponential and abrupt acceleration... In the current scenario, digital interaction is an alternative route, and the challenge in this new environment is to capture the attention of the target audience due to the high number of digital events... The WTC Events Center offers a very good structure for conducting high-impact online and hybrid events."

Wagner Ferreira

President of the Brazilian Academy of Events and Tourism

"(...) The location of the WTC is fantastic (...) the place is fully air-conditioned, where you don't feel any discomfort. (...) Very important for corporate events is the support of the Hotel (Sheraton) attached to the event pavilion. We have here the wonderful standard of this Hotel. (...) I could not fail to give my testimony being a fan of this complex, the WTC."

juan pablo de vera

President of Reed Exhibitions
Alcantara Machado

"When we hold international events in the city of São Paulo, the WTC has been a very correct choice. Its quality, flexibility, and the professionalism of the team help us ensure that our client will be successful when participating in their event."